Hidden underneath a landscaped ??
Set in the grounds of 19th century Limehurst in Bowdon, this proposed 3 bed dwelling makes an extraordinary statement without the visual impact of an ordinary house. Hidden underneath a landscaped, classical English garden is a contemporary earth sheltered house. Huntsmere, together with NC Homes, created a design ethos of building underground so as to avoid harming the spacious, well landscaped character of the Devisdale Conservation Area by creating a decorative feature garden above. The proposal seeks to preserve and enhance the soft landscaping, allowing sufficient un-built curtilage around Limehurst for the residents and wildlife to enjoy.
Being underground means that the house has a more stable environment, the temperature remains constant and the house is very quiet and peaceful. It also minimises the loss of green space, as being underground the roof remains available for plants. Not allowing the limitations that an ‘enclosed’ dwelling might suggest, the circular plan affords natural light through its central core, down three floors to the swimming pool, with supplementary light shafts to the